Allah ki Muhabbat me Tarpa Dani Wali Batain
The love and knowledge of Allah (سبحانہ و تعالٰی) is one of the fundamental teachings of Islam. If we reflect on the frequent mention of Allah and the explanation and details of His blessed names, or consider the signs of Allah’s power and existence spread throughout the universe, and even observe the perfection and craftsmanship of the Creator in the human being’s existence, then inevitably, the love of Allah is kindled in the heart.
The author, Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani, writes that in our times, among the great spiritual masters (Mashayikh), the name of the revered Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar (رحمه الله تعالى), a true knower of Allah (Aarif Billah), needs no introduction. A follower of the Ashrafia Silsila, this spiritual guide has quenched the thirst of seekers of truth with the wine of Allah’s love, knowledge, and mercy. This process of spreading the message of Allah’s love continued so vigorously that Hazrat Maulana reached many countries across the world, delivering the message of divine love.
In 1988, he made his eighth trip to South Africa. During this journey, he held many gatherings, and the words of wisdom he shared were recorded. This book is a selection of those discourses. The first part of this book contains writings on the love of Allah, while the second part offers an intellectual and spiritual interpretation of Quranic and Hadith-based teachings, along with the blessed supplications.
This modern compilation was prepared with the help of Hazrat’s esteemed disciples, including Dr. Abdul Maqeem (مدظلہ العالی) and Mr. Firoz Memon.