


The first book emphasizes the necessity of sincerity, the soul of actions, and protects against hypocrisy—without which no deed is accepted.
Author: Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani, Published by Idara Taleefat E Asharfia.

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The first book highlights the need for sincerity and helps protect against hypocrisy, without which no action is accepted.
Author: Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani, Published by Idara Taleefat E Ashrafiya.

Sincerity holds the same position in the acceptance of good deeds as the spine holds in the human body—without it, a person is like a living body without a soul. Generally, while there are many books dedicated to ensuring the proper practice of Sunnah, sincerity, despite its immense importance, is often neglected. Yet, it is sincerity that gave believers superiority over the hypocrites.

Throughout history, pious individuals and religious scholars have always emphasized sincerity in their actions, preferring purity over the quantity of deeds. Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, known as the “Suyuti of his time” due to his vast number of works—over a thousand publications—was so sincere that he freely allowed the publication of all his works.

Given the importance of sincerity, every Muslim needs to read this valuable and crucial book. By studying it, one can learn the significance of sincerity and acquire the knowledge and examples necessary to cultivate it in their actions.

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