Azeem Almi Shaksiyat 2 Jild
The true understanding of the scholarly, practical, and reformative excellence of the esteemed personality can only be grasped by the learned, while I am devoid of knowledge. The detailed biography of the revered figure is being published in serialized form in the monthly “Al-Balag” under the title “Yaadein” (Memories). The primary source of this book is “Yaadein,” and the articles and excerpts from it can be found throughout this volume.
In this book, the author’s efforts have been to gather the significant events and circumstances of the esteemed figure under approximately 20 important topics, with references included.
Despite continuous contact with friends who assisted in the academic work of the esteemed figure, I acknowledge that despite my best efforts, many aspects and key elements of the revered person’s blessed life may have been left out.
The author and compiler write that this book is a humble offering from a devoted admirer to a revered figure.