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Khutbat Bukhari Shareef


A collection of the scholarly, practical, and reformative speeches of esteemed scholars of Hadith, delivered at the beginning and end of teaching Sahih Bukhari in madrasahs.
Compiled by: Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani. Published by: Idara Taleefat E Asharfia.

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Khutbat Bukhari Shareef

A collection of the scholarly, practical, and reformative speeches delivered by esteemed scholars of Hadith at the beginning and end of teaching Sahih Bukhari in the madrasahs.Compiled by: Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani. Published by: Idara Taleefat e Asharfia.

In this Ummah, there is one book that is universally regarded as the most authentic, regardless of sect or school of thought. Sahih al-Bukhari holds this status as the most trusted of books. In the Indian subcontinent, educational institutions begin the new academic year with Sahih Bukhari and, when the academic year concludes, a ceremony marking the completion of Sahih Bukhari is also held. This has been a long-standing tradition in Islamic madrasahs.

The numerous Bukhari completion ceremonies held in cities and villages across Pakistan are a testament to the valuable educational and teaching services related to Sahih Bukhari that are taking place in the country. A large number of students, both male and female, complete the study of the Sahih Sitta (Six Authentic Books of Hadith).

This book gathers the speeches of the scholars of Hadith, which were delivered during the opening ceremony of Sahih Bukhari. The second part of the book includes the speeches given at the completion ceremony of Sahih Bukhari. The compiler, Qari Muhammad Ishaq Multani (Editor of Mahasin-e-Islam monthly), has meticulously gathered these speeches and has been honored with the publication of this collection. This book includes speeches by renowned scholars such as Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani, Maulana Zakariya Kandhlawi, and Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (may Allah have mercy on them).

Additional information

Weight0.810 kg
Binding Type

Hard Cover

Delivery Time

5-7 Working Days



Number Of Pages


Paper Quality


Published By

Taleefat E Asharfia

Shipping Charges


Written By

Hazrat Maulana Qari Muhammad Idrees Hoshyaar Poori Sb

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