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Nafs o Shaitan Ki Makariyo Ka Ilaj


It is obligatory for every Muslim to protect themselves from the deceptions of the self (nafs) and Satan. This book provides amazing measures to safeguard oneself from the tricks and traps of Satan in life and at the time of death. Filled with actions, prayers, and stories, this book is essential reading for every Muslim.

10 in stock


Nafs o Shaitan Ki Makariyo Ka Ilaj

Every Muslim must protect themselves from the deceptions of the self (nafs) and Satan. This book provides amazing measures to safeguard oneself from the tricks and traps of Satan in life and at the time of death. Filled with actions, prayers, and stories, this book is essential reading for every Muslim.

Additional information

Weight 0.580 kg
Binding Type

Hard Cover

Delivery Time

5-7 Working Days



Number Of Pages


Paper Quality


Published By

Taleefat E Asharfia

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