
Difference of opinion is permissible, but disrespect is forbidden!!

Difference of opinion is permissible, but disrespect is forbidden!!

Differences of Opinion between Scholars

Differences of opinion among scholars are permissible as long as they are based on evidence.

However, mockery and contempt are never permissible, no matter how insignificant they may seem. This is because all scholars who are Ahly ALLAH Ulamay Haq are deputies of the Prophet (ﷺ). It is also necessary to respect the position of their deputyship to the Prophet (ﷺ) and to uphold the greatness of this position.

Example of Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi

As an example, Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him) and Imam Shafi’i (may Allah have mercy on him) differed on dozens of issues. However, this difference is a mercy for the ummah (community,امت). It is inconceivable that any issue would be approached with mockery or contempt. Both imams are worthy of respect.

The difference is Permissible, but Mockery is not

Differences of opinion are permissible, but it is never acceptable for a Shafi to mock Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him) or for a Hanafi to mock a Shafi. This is because although Imam Shafi and Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on them both) differ on some issues, it is also true that they are both like the sun and the moon. Their light is spreading throughout the ummah, benefiting people and bringing blessings.

Difference is a Mercy, Mockery is Ignorance

Therefore, the difference is mercy, and disrespect is ignorance. When Prophet Musa AS advised his people, they said, “AY Musa! Are you mocking us?” Prophet Musa AS replied, “I seek refuge in ALLAH from being among the ignorant.”

This means that mocking and ridiculing are signs of ignorance. However, friends, nowadays, due to the exploits of social media, the most ignorant are considered the greatest scholars. May ALLAH protect us from this!

The Most Ignorant is the One Who Mocks

I repeat the most ignorant one is the one who mocks other schools of thought and other scholars, no matter how much he mocks them. He will be considered a great scholar, even though in reality he is the most ignorant.

Difference is Acceptable, but Mockery, Ridicule, and Contempt are not

Difference has its place, but mockery, ridicule, and contempt, no matter how insignificant, are wrong. Therefore, understand this difference. Any person who is an expert in belittling his opposing school of thought, no matter how learned and erudite he may be, will be counted among the ignorant. This is because mockers have always been counted among the opponents of the prophets (followers of Satan). One common characteristic of the opponents of every prophet is that they mocked and ridiculed him.

Therefore, friends, take this advice to heart:

  • No impudent, rude, or foul-mouthed person can ever be a scholar.
  • And especially a person who is openly foul-mouthed is not worthy of having his words listened to, even if he is saying a few things right.

If you think that good things should be taken, then understand well that if there are good people, Ahly Haq (people of truth/اہل حق), and scholars who are saying good things, then what compulsion has arisen to take good things from a foul-mouthed, ill-mannered, and disrespectful person?


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