
Qayamat ki Nishaniyan

qayamat ki nishaniyan

The concept of the Day of Judgment, known as “Qayamat” in Islam, holds a significant place in Islamic eschatology. It refers to the end of the world when all beings will be resurrected and judged by Allah for their deeds. This article delves into the major and minor signs of Qayamat as described in Islamic teachings, particularly in the Quran and Hadith, to offer a comprehensive and user-friendly overview.

Understanding the Day of Judgment

In Islamic belief, the Day of Judgment is a momentous event when the universe as we know it will come to an end, and every soul will be held accountable for their actions. This day is seen as the ultimate moment of truth, where justice will be served without prejudice. The signs leading up to this day are divided into minor and major signs, each serving as a reminder and a warning for the faithful.

 Minor Signs of Qayamat

The minor signs, or “Alamatus-Sughra,” are events and occurrences that are believed to gradually unfold over time, indicating the approach of Qayamat. These signs can be seen as reminders for Muslims to stay steadfast in their faith and to constantly prepare for the final day.

1. Moral Decay:

A significant sign is the widespread decay of morality and ethical values. This includes an increase in dishonesty, disrespect towards elders, and a general decline in social manners and ethics.

2. Prevalence of Ignorance:

The spread of ignorance and the decline of true knowledge are also signs. People will begin to stray away from the teachings of Islam, and religious scholars will become scarce.

3. Increase in Natural Disasters:

There will be an increase in natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, and famines. These disasters serve as a reminder of the fragility of human existence and the power of nature.

4. Widespread Injustice:

Injustice and oppression will become rampant. The powerful will exploit the weak, and justice will be a rare commodity.

5. Economic Disparities:

Wealth will be accumulated by a few, leading to stark economic inequalities. The rich will become richer, and the poor will be left to struggle for their basic needs.

6. Breakdown of Family Ties:

Family relationships will deteriorate. Respect for parents will diminish, and familial bonds will weaken, leading to social fragmentation.

7. Religious Neglect:

The practice of Islam will become more about rituals and less about true spiritual connection. People will pray but without understanding or sincerity.

Major Signs of Qayamat

The major signs, or “Alamatus-Kubra,” are extraordinary events that will occur close to the Day of Judgment. These signs are more dramatic and will serve as clear indicators of the imminent end.

1. Appearance of the Mahdi:

The arrival of the Mahdi, a righteous leader who will restore justice and spread the true teachings of Islam, is a major sign. He will unite Muslims and lead them in a series of significant events.

2. Descent of Jesus (Isa):

Jesus, known as Isa in Islam, will descend from the heavens and join forces with the Mahdi to fight against the false messiah (Dajjal). His return is a crucial sign in Islamic eschatology.

3. Appearance of the Dajjal (Antichrist):

The Dajjal, a false messiah who will spread evil and deception, will appear. He will perform miracles to deceive people, and his reign will bring unprecedented chaos and tribulation.

4. Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj):

These two destructive forces will be released and will cause widespread havoc. They are often depicted as nations or tribes that will unleash devastation across the world.

5. The Smoke (Dukhan):

A mysterious smoke will cover the earth, causing widespread suffering and distress. This phenomenon is mentioned in the Quran and is considered a dire warning of the approaching end.

6. The Beast (Dabbat al-Ard):

A strange beast will emerge from the earth, speaking to people and marking them based on their faith. This event will distinguish the believers from the non-believers.

7. Three Major Earthquakes:

Three massive earthquakes, one in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia, will shake the world, altering its landscape and serving as a direct sign of Qayamat.

8. Rising of the Sun from the West:

One of the most striking signs is the reversal of the sun’s movement. The sun will rise from the west instead of the east, signaling a dramatic shift in the natural order and the closure of repentance.


The signs of Qayamat serve as powerful reminders for Muslims to live righteous lives, uphold justice, and stay true to their faith. The minor signs, which we are witnessing in various forms today, urge constant vigilance and spiritual readiness. The major signs, though yet to occur, provide a vivid depiction of the events that will precede the Day of Judgment. Understanding these signs can help believers stay prepared and steadfast in their faith, as they navigate through the challenges of life, always mindful of the ultimate truth and justice that awaits.

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